Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 3.249: Back to pool, back to school

I managed to swim this morning - and to feel fairly human through the day, so we'll count that as a success. Work has been fairly crazy this week but I left a bit early today because this evening was my first chance to visit the girls' new school. It was 'Open House' and we spent a few minutes in each of their classrooms and heard from the principal in between. Exile #4's teacher astonished us by saying that she had been teaching at the school for 22 years (she's a very young 40-something) and Exile #3's astonished us by looking about 22 years old (but reassured us about her experience of teaching so she's probably not!)

We ran into a few neighbors and saw some familiar faces from local activities and (across the room) another parent making the same school-move as us.

Here are a couple of the things we had to welcome us - a self-portrait by Exile #4 for their how many girls/boys chart and a little word about herself along with a letter from Exile #3.

All in all it was a very positive experience. I'm sure the girls will do just fine there - as for us, it was a rather overwhelming social event - a big school is going to take some getting used to for their all-too British parents!


  1. Wow - Exile #4 is her real name! She even uses it on school work


  2. Of course - did you think we were using pseudonyms?


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