Friday, January 24, 2014

Day 7.014: Exciting times?

Tuesday: I woke up very early to return to Maine. I got into work around 9 am. When I got home after work I ate some (reheated) frozen leftovers, talked to family on Skype and went to bed at around 8:30 pm

Wednesday: Woke up early and went running in very cold, windy conditions, work and then cooked dinner, did my laundry and the washing up. Went to bed around 10 pm.

Thursday: Woke up very early and went running in very cold conditions, work and then grocery shopping. Ate instant dinner from supermarket, talked to family on Skype and went to bed at 9 pm.

Today: Woke up fairly early and went running in really very cold conditions, work and then...

I realised I'd bought a knife and some chicken yesterday.

Now, if only I had something sharp to open the knife packaging...

Yes - a sharp knife (released from plastic without loss of life or limb) and the cooking of some chicken curry -  quite the highlights of my week!

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