Monday, September 22, 2008

Day 1.255: New Yeek, New Yeek good they played it twice. Maybe.

During school pick-up:
Exile #4: We played a new game today.
Exile #4: It's called New-Yeek
Exile #2: Oh - really?
Exile #4: Yes - New-Yeek!!
Exile #2: How does it work?
Exile #4: Well, it's like a purple tree...New-Yeek!
Exile #2 (trying to avoid thoughts of Numberwang): Oh..?
Exile #4: Yeah because it's
Exile #2: OH! UNIQUE!
Exile #4: Yes! new-yeek.

Here's a puzzle (probably only for UK readers of a certain age). Exile #4 found this hat the other day and decided to wear it when we were playing in the back-yard. I've removed the name, does anyone know what is/was 'The Happiest Club in the Land'? No cheating now!
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  1. was it the mint one ? i used to love mint clubs (although their wrappers had stingy nettles on i think?)

  2. The WAC??? "Weee'reee WIDE AWAKE" (though possible not at 7.30 on a Saturday morning)


  3. ..or maybe TISWAS...?


  4. Thanks for that memory FP - I loved the orange ones myself.

    A - thanks for playing but no, and no.

  5. I tried googling "the happiest club in the land" but it just leads me back here (at 47).

    By the way, pop pun number 79 for title watchers?

  6. Go on locals - even though you cheated - we can call it pop pun 79 - any guesses? :-)


Please use Name/URL (just a name of any kind is fine) unless you really want to be anonymous!