Sunday, September 21, 2008

Day 1.254: In the trees - find the girls

My children can transform my experience of a simple walk in the woods. Sometimes they turn it into a complete nightmare of grumbling and arguments, but more often into a magical journey. Today it was a wonderful time of nature exploration (autumnal leaves - still the exception rather than the rule, butterflies, caterpillars, rocks, water and fungi) and some crazy flights of fancy (there are huge shy flat fish living in this stream apparently).

All three of the girls were there (as was E5N1) and we didn't get lost - but still it's pop pun 78 for title watchers (are there any?): come closer and see!
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  1. Hmmm, the title watchers are still here but confused by this one...

    Songs with girls and trees in? So far I've got possibilitites ranging from Nat King Cole, Thunder, Pearl Jam and the unlikely Beastie Boys!


  2. Are you setting me a little pop quiz of my own?


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