I didn't catch E5N1's expression of complete relaxation we often get when he lies down on our bed, but I did catch him thrashing about throwing himself down on it. This is a still from it - the video is below. It must be the memory-foam mattress-topper I suppose - then again maybe he just likes the attention he gets when his antics take him close to the edge of the bed.
Today at the park, he apparently toppled off the side of the slide. Everyone was anxious to know if he was OK. He was unharmed if a little shaken and once he had recovered, he went straight back on the slide. He crawled head-first off the bottom successfully then proceeded to 'fall-over' and theatrically rub his head looking around for the same reaction he got last time. He was disappointed and Exile #2 was not the only parent present who could not believe their eyes.
It's pop pun #80 for title watchers - I really want to come kick it with you.
What a brilliant clip! He's got great comic timing!