Monday, September 15, 2008

Day 1.248: Did we go tufa?

Yes we did! At Saratoga Spa State Park at the weekend. Here are the girls standing at the top of a bank of mineral deposits left by the water coming from a spring.

We tasted the water from another spring. Here are some responses: At least it's cool! Yeurgh! Salty! Metallic - it tastes like blood! IS it blood? I can see why people would think it might be medicine - but although 'taking' the waters might be OK, actually drinking it would be difficult.

This evening we all went to an open day at my company's new facility - Exile #4 enjoyed the food, Exile #3 enjoyed running amok with her friends and E5N1 enjoyed playing with my phone and getting himself passed around most of the people there. Everyone enjoyed seeing all three of them (and us) dressed up in white suits, hairnets, gloves and over-shoes to go in the cleanroom - like a load of bakery jawas.

Ah yes - self indulgent pop pun 76 for title watchers - is that why your nose is bleeding?
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