Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 4.090: More signs of spring

Yesterday morning, Exile #2 took E5N1 and Exile #4 to a birthday party. Left to our own devices for a couple of hours I rushed Exile #3 over to Bennett Hill Preserve for a quick hike. We didn't quite have time to make it to the top although, unlike last time, we did manage to take the red trail on the way up and had conquered the steep part before we turned back.

The flat parts of the trail were slightly tricky to discern in places - looking for the red tree flashes became a crucial skill.

Here are some signs of spring we spotted:

Actually I have no idea whether the fungi or the colours on the silver birch trees are signs of spring, but they seemed to signs of life.  Also, I generally refute the idea that melting snow is a sign of spring and relegate it to the altogether more miserable season known as 'thaw'.

Today, I packed up the bouncy-house that we set up (rather early in the season) for E5N1's party on Friday - it has had three good days of use - yet another sign of the arrival of spring!

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