Sunday, February 25, 2007

Day 46: Don't look now

The snow is still with us as you can see. Temperatures are expected to peak above freezing a few days in a row this week so it may be melting, then again, 7 out of 14 day/night slots on the seven day forecast include a chance of snow, so maybe not.

Exile #3's American accent is coming on well, although she occasionally 'corrects' herself when talking to us. To me it sounds a bit like she's imitating for comic effect and I usually have to stifle a laugh - I'm sure it is entirely subconscious though.

We visited the library today to get some more books for the girls. We also had a look around and glanced at the DVD shelves. All the items have a sticker to aid quick filing presumably. The stickers have a category and the first word of the title or the author's surname as appropriate. So the DVDs have "DVD" and the first word of the title. This makes for an eye-catching section on the shelf containing the DVDs of the TV series "Sex and The City". I suppose the title was always supposed to be at least as provocative as the actual show, so it's maybe not so inappropriate.

On the subject of unfortunate abbreviations and the like, I saw someone's email address that was slightly amusing thanks to the way that surname and initials are combined the other day and it reminded me of a Dilbert cartoon in which a new employee is in the manager's office "All employees will have first initial and surname as their email address - NO EXCEPTIONS", As she leaves looking very displeased the manager remarks "Wow, that Brenda Utthead is a real whiner!" The truest comedy is funny.

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi Laura,
    You're very welcome and I look forward to checking out your blog ( Your comment broke the 'house-rules', but I won't hold it against you!


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