Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 1.363: How old?

Exile #3 and Exile #4 have been on my mind a lot today as I have been trying to convince the IRS (tax service) that they not only exist but are indeed my dependants. One of the advantages of the situation was that after I spent my lunch break trying to deal with them on the phone, I eventually gave up and took the afternoon off to go to the local office (in the middle of a short but exciting snow shower) - which meant that I was home early enough to have a slice of my birthday cake with them (and Exile #2 and E5N1 who are just out of shot).

I tried (half-heartedly) to convince my colleagues that it was my 23rd birthday today. It wasn't true. 26 would have been much closer to the truth. Exile #2 knows as you can see.
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  1. you guys are far too clever. I'm seriously impressed with those candles! My mathematical pride just wants to make sure you know that I knew the answer (but I admit I cheated with the actual figuring out).

    ...and where's the frosting????

  2. Wow, that means you must have been born in 11110110010 !

    Happy Birthday!


  3. Yeah, well I have to admit I cheated a little in working it out too...

    ...and after the weather we've been having I thought a little dusting would be preferable to a widespread frosting!

  4. I had to resort to Wikipedia to be sure I was on the right track. Happy Birthday!


  5. You'll be pleased/dismayed to hear that we had Cool Whip on the slices - we weren't being all British!

    A - not quite although I suspect your binary was OK, you're just in denial about what year it is?


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