Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 2.293: Enough!

Well, I wasn't well enough to work from home today - in fact I wasn't noticeably any better than yesterday which is not cool.

Before I realised that, I sent Exile #2 off to school without E5N1 - she snapped the girls taking part in a special assembly. I hear they did well so the utter terror on Exile #3's face was presumably only transitory. Meanwhile, I bored E5N1 so much he fell asleep on the sofa. In fact, as it turns out it was probably an early indication that he has what I have. Assuming this is indeed the swine flu, he's in a marginally high-risk group of serious complications given his age, but at the moment he seems tired and grumpy rather than seriously ill.

So, more drugs, more sleep and more hopes for a better tomorrow.

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