Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 3.132: Know where? Yes Yaddo!

We have had a varied and rewarding day. It started with Exile #2's desire to go somewhere we'd never been before, which turned into a visit (thanks to Small-bany) to the Yaddo Gardens. As you can see E5N1 couldn't wait to run around the paths and up and down the stairs. Lots of volunteers were working in the gardens and he enjoyed a few friendly interactions with them too.

It is far from the seasonal peak of the garden - the roses were only just starting to bud, the pools and fountains were empty and the statues encased (presumably for winter protection). Having said that, it is a magical place and much of it was in glorious (if small-scale) flower - much to Exile #4's delight. She made me take pictures of flowers in the borders, a tiny strawberry clinging to a rock and two types of tiny blooms in amongst the blades of grass. I'm glad she did.

But it was Exile #3 who probably loved the visit the most - she was content to walk around taking it in with her mother (while I took photos of course).

The gardens although lovely, are fairly small - so we moved on across Saratoga Springs to the Saratoga Spa State Park for a picnic, but I'll save that tale for another day.

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