Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 4.288: Intramural and super caput

The girls have been doing a 'throwing and catching' unit in P.E. at school. They always seem to enjoy their P.E. classes and their hand-eye coordination is definitely improving.

Exile #3 is also doing some extra P.E. in the mornings. It's known as 'intramurals' - a word I didn't recall having heard before - I had assumed it was another way of saying extra-curricular, but it turns out is about doing sports against other people from your own community.

Always something new to learn - and to celebrate all these accomplishments, here's a slow-motion video from the weekend:


 Sometimes I'm just in the right place at the right time!

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!! B just showed me this. I think you totally captured the moment ;)


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