Sunday, December 16, 2007

Day 340: Something old, something new...

Exile #2, E5N1 and I went to our pre-exile church this morning for the first time in over 11 months. We left the girls with my parents because Exile #4 had shown some signs of having a tummy-bug (stomach-flu?) and we though better of either causing an outbreak amongst the children at church in the week before Christmas or trying to take Exile #3 and leave her on her own.

It was really nice to catch up with lots of old friends. Some of whom were kind enough to say that they look at this blog from time to time. It's funny - in the early days it felt very much like a letter home to the UK, but now that we're over here what is it? A letter home to the US perhaps. We certainly spared a thought or two for our storm-oppressed friends over there today.

We went on to a shop (yes - not a store!) where we picked up a changing-mat. For a long time they had eluded us in the US - despite, as you would expect, masses of baby products being available, nobody seems to sell them over there - except for the odd travel-bag including one and the large furniture-based changing-stations. We did find one in the end, but couldn't spare luggage space for it, so we now have a little UK travel-sized one as well.

Between church and the shop, we were very grateful to borrow a few baby things from friends who are expecting their first and have been collecting donations but have no use for them at this stage. One was this rather nice bath-seat that E5N1 was delighted with. We had toyed with the idea of using it as an interim high-chair but in the end decided to pick up a little travel-friendly booster seat that has a tray so that he can practise his rapidly-developing finger-food skills. A few of you will be pleased to hear that it's blue.
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1 comment:

  1. see, it's useful for me to lend you things - I had no idea that chair was for use in the bath!!!


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