Monday, December 3, 2007

Day 327: Icy no accumulation

Six o'clock this morning found me peering with trepidation out of the window to see what the night's storm had brought us. Oh. No snow. It's raining. The British part of me thought - oh well dull, but easy. The New York resident in me had a different thought - ice!

So, although equipped with two snow shovels purchased in the big calm-before-the-storm rush at the hardware store yesterday, what about ice-melt? No I don't think I've got any, certainly not much. Further investigation proved that temperatures had reached freezing (on the way up!) and although we had some ice (as you can see) it was already melting on the roads. The drive wasn't too slick because the ice was on top of yesterday's snow and so had a bit of texture to it - and here unlike at last winter's house, it is level from the garage to the road.

Next job was to find out school openings - once again the centralised closure notification system worked really well. I had to take both the girls to school as the bus would not be running this morning, but otherwise all would be normal.

So, we've got off quite lightly this time, but there's likely to be plenty more where this came from.

In fact - here it is now - it's snowing on top of the ice.
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