Monday, February 4, 2008

Day 1.025: Rued ol' four friends?

Well - me (enough for work), Exile #4 (enough for school), E5N1 (enough for smiles), Exile #2 (enough to cook curry). Not so well - Exile #3, although she saw the doctor today, has antibiotics and will (all things being equal) be back to school tomorrow.

This deer and five of its friends walked through our garden the other day. Their arrival was presaged by Exile #4 saying "I saw reindeers walking down the road". They're not actually reindeer - but whitetails. At least I got a better picture than last time, but they come when the light is poor and don't stand still much, so it's only the last one and it was already out of the back of our garden.

I don't actually know the names of any of them.
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  1. I think your Whitetail ID is correct. Height 3 - 3.5 ft, blue-gray in winter, large tail white beneath and present in your area.

    Glad to hear of the improvement in the family's health including we hope Exile #3.


  2. Yes I didn't have much doubt about that - I accidentally took a picture with the flash and one of them literally turned-tail and ran off - when the are alarmed you can easily see why they are called whitetails.

    Thanks. Exile #3 is at school today, so hopefully we're getting out of the woods.


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