Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 1.194: Goodbye to high and dry

For the last six hours I have received some kind of severe weather bulletin each hour. These have mostly been flash-flooding related, although we now have a severe thunderstorm watch in place for the next six hours. The most dramatic of these was the warning at 6 pm this evening which contained lots of useful advice on dealing with a flooding situation - amongst it, "DON'T DROWN". I'll try to remember that one.

Here's my summary of the weather situation. It is raining hard and likely to keep doing so almost continuously until tomorrow afternoon - big weather once again! So, to keep us all in cheerful mood, it's pop pun 65 for title watchers (apparently 156 days later). Underwater? Tell me to breathe easy!

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  1. Drying up in Conversation?

  2. Think you've got the song all sussed out?

    Not the 'head this time - could have been but I had something else in mind.


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