Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 1.200: Er ist nicht ein Auslander

We were back at the baseball tonight. We spent the evening watching E5N1 enjoying his 'national pastime' - mostly by charming the socks off everyone around. We were there with some colleagues, families and friends including these local bloggers - you'll be relieved to know that no-one was eaten in the aftermath of this picture.

Meanwhile, the girls spent a large part of the time entertaining themselves with Albaniana's clan. So we found ourselves at odd times without any children on our hands (or our laps).

The home team lost - I'm not sure they've won a game since the last time we were here but we agreed that the fireworks were even better than last time.

So, it's obscure foreign language pop pun 66 for title watchers on the day when we thought that blog would eat itself: shout loud in the crowd! (Er ist nicht, aber ich bin).
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  1. Hello foreigner! This is the day... This is the hour... this is the time that I got a pop pun!


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