The picture is from yesterday at the Pine Bush. Let me tell you, there is a certain amount of sneaking required to get a decent smiling picture of Exile #3 these days.
This morning saw more sneaking around as I plotted to get the girls out of the house to do something about Exile #2's birthday tomorrow (last minute - me?). We had a reasonable outing (taking E5N1 as well as he decided he didn't need a nap - until we were in the car anyway) - I think that Exile #2 would probably consider a few hours on her own in the house to be a pretty good birthday present in itself.
After lunch the girls disappeared upstairs to 'play'. Actually they were making birthday cards. When she finished Exile #3 came to find me to show me her work. Not wanting to be left out, but not quite realising what was going on, Exile #4 rushed downstairs to give Exile #2 her card. Oops.
At our church gathering this evening we had a cake and sang Happy Birthday - even better, the video cameras were all out of reach, so she can avoid the embarrassment of digital evidence (until tomorrow at least).
For further sneakiness, here is a picture of something else from our walk yesterday - can you see what we saw?
Frog or toad?
I vote for toad.
Toadally correct of course.