Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 3.273: An urgent discovery

I took this photo this morning because Exile #4 and her Nan looked like two peas in a pod.  However, it turns out that our middle child has been centre-stage today.

If you were watching my twitter feed yesterday, you would know that we were in two-minds about even leaving on this trip because E5N1 was unwell.  Well, just when we thought we had gambled and won, last night Exile #4 woke twice complaining of earache.  She seemed better this morning and spent most of the day doing OK - if a little floppier than usual.

However, late this afternoon she started getting worse and developed a fever.  So - we were wondering what to do.  We are away from home and have a child with a fever at 6pm on a Sunday night.  So, we called the insurance company - who told us to go to the Emergency Room.

We ignored their advice and searched for urgent care centers in this town instead.  I'm glad we did - she was in and out in about an hour and a half with syringed ears, a  diagnosis, a dose of antibiotic and a prescription to pick up tomorrow.  We had a late dinner, and now she is in bed - hopefully we can manage one more visit to make the most of the travelling hours before we have to repeat them on the way home.

If you are puzzling over yesterday's clue to our location - we have moved now, but the title was a clue - and relates to longevity. I'll give you another chance. Here's a picture of us all from outside the hotel there this morning - it was quite cold!

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