Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 3.291: Counting crows...

I'm not sure why, but I rather like the look of this photo I took of a crow taking off from a tree in our neighbour's yard.

Would you like to take your last chance to play the first two parts of the zoo quiz I set back on Day 3.272? If so, go ahead and come back when you want to know the answers.

Did you guess that the rather pretty brown and grey parakeet was inside a walk-in bird enclosure? If so you are right.

Did you also guess that the crows were the animals not in an enclosure? If so, sorry I have totally misled you. No, the crows were in an enclosure and being studied for cognitive function - it's a crow-brainer. Sorry. The animal that was in the wild was the snake. Not the big green one, the garter snake in the top left corner.

For title watchers, today's answer is one or three (if you are really playing along).

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, one for sorrow...three for girls... Murder??? Is there something you want to tell me? ;-)



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