Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 3.280: Some falls are bigger than others

After we all made it safely back from the 'Trail of Certain Death' yesterday, today E5N1 fell down the stairs. All the way down them - landing in an uncomfortable heap at the bottom. He's fine. Completely fine.

I'm reading a great book of short stories by Maile Meloy called 'Half in Love' at the moment. Last night I read one that features a father who suddenly has a brush with death and rushes to the place his children have gone to with a premonition of something terrible. It's funny how our brains work.

A little while after the stairs incident today, Exile #2 pointed this out - sometimes I'm sure E5N1 can secretly read and write! And while we're at it, you can have this as pop pun 116 for title watchers as Anthony said to Cleopatra as he opened a crate of ale.


  1. some fall's mothers are bigger than other fall's mothers ? (which reminds me, The Fall are playing in Auckland and i am rather excited)

  2. Weird - a gig tip about The Fall in NZ just one day after I followed a link from a local blog to find another resident of this area waxing lyrical about how Mark E. Smith is a style icon.


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