When I visited the doctor for my 'well visit' in July I was, if I'm honest hoping for some credit for my efforts in losing some weight. I didn't get any. Instead I received some 'encouragement' to find a way to get some more exercise.
So, to my active but rarely cardiovascularly-taxing lifestyle I started to add some intentional exercise.
Then came our trip to the UK. I didn't have access to much in the way of options but I was determined to keep something up, so I took my rather sad old running shoes:
and attempted some running. As I expected, it was terrible but I kept at it, only missing a couple of days over the first week. By the time we found ourselves in Oxfordshire, it was starting to make a bit more sense and I realised I was running more than two miles before breakfast - and even quite enjoying it.
I haven't stopped (I don't mean in a Forrest Gump sort of way, I just have been continuing to go for regular runs). I did upgrade my footwear a bit though and started following a training plan.
Today, I registered to run a 10K. I'm not quite sure how any of this happened, but thanks for letting me see if it made sense in the telling.