Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 4.293: Leaves on snow on leaves...

We didn't gain a whole load of snow overnight - which is something of a relief. The local news was telling of one town nearby that had over 30 inches.

By the time I got outside, there were leaves fallen on the snow which had fallen on the leaves - in places probably still on the last fall of snow on the leaves on the ground.

It's not called 'Fall' for nothing this year!

We moved the pumpkins out onto the step.  Hopefully they won't be eaten by snow-crazed chipmunks before tomorrow night.

They don't look too sure.

Our power was off for a while this afternoon.  Even though our snowfall was moderate, the trees were heavily burdened and we've seen lots of big branches down around and about.  Even in our own yard there was plenty of evidence of the weight of the snow.

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