We had to get out of the house for breakfast as we had another viewing for the house, so the kids settled down to watch iCarly while Exile #2 did the last clean and tidy and check-around.
Since they were glued to the TV, I ventured out of my hiding place until I heard the theme music start at which point I dove into the kitchen because, without fail, at that point all three of them jump up and start dancing around the room. Exile #2 said, "Go and start dancing with them!" as a way of surprising the girls, so I went in.
But no-one was dancing.
It seems they'd taken Exile #2's instructions to sit nicely and not mess the room up quite literally.
So I walked up and said, "Why is no-one dancing?"
Exile #3 and Exile #4 both turned around. Exile #3 started to say, "Because we're..." The looks on their faces when they realised I was there and wasn't supposed to be were priceless. Exile #3 did cartoon-shocked while Exile #4 looked genuinely scared like I'd come to life out of the Skype screen or something.
Good times!

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