The lighthouse I drove to was this one:
the four nouned, Spring Point Ledge Light. I set out to walk out to it, but was struck first by the icy wind and then by the questionable footing - ice combined with jumping from rock to rock:
and thought better of it.
Instead, I set out for the Bug Light, walking first through the campus of Southern Maine Community College and then into the adjacent marina.
Not surprisingly, there are no boats in the water - as you can see here they are not only brought up onto dry land, but most of them are shrink-wrapped too!
With the wind at my back and hurting the back of my head even through my winter hat, I was pleased to arrive at the other park after a short walk.
I'd run past this strange ship-sculpture a couple of times, but yesterday I could investigate.
It turned out to be a war memorial of sorts - nervously I wondered which war (finding revolutionary war or 1812 memorials is always strange given my nationality) but it was WWII. It turns out that nearly 240 of the 2700 Liberty Ships - all built to the same design between 1941 and 1945 were built at a pair of shipyards near here.

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