Sunday, October 14, 2007

Day 277: Yarrr'd party

After church this morning, I took Exile #3 and Exile #4 to a birthday party for one of Exile #3's classmates. Once again, an outdoor party in October was blessed with a fine sunny day. The party had a pirate theme complete with a plank to walk and treasure chests and less explicably, but more entertainingly a huge inflatable slide - enjoyed by children and adults alike.

I'm happy to say that with the extremely serious celebration of Halloween (with its associated costumery) just around the corner, we were not expected to dress up for the party - although I knew just the place.

Exile #3 corrected Exile #2 on her pronunciation of the word "pearl" today - it's not peu'l it's purrul - apparently. It's a short step to "Mah-mee - you tahk furny!" I'm not sure whether to have more in the way of hopes or fears for what a trip back to the UK will do for her accent. E5N1 is getting very vocal at the moment, although it's too early to say what sort of accent he is developing. He's doing his own version of the infinite monkeys with syllables at the moment - he's said his own name and that of both his sisters in the last few days. He also (maybe not entirely randomly) does a pretty good dada and umma. Now if we had an infinite number of 6 month old babies...
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