Sunday, October 21, 2007

Day 284: Razzle-dazzle

We skipped church this morning to play in the sun.

Not really! although we did miss our church meeting. Exile #2 has had a migraine today and the rest of us have varying levels of cold symptoms and so are also somewhere below par (is that why they're called bogeys?).

Anyway, the four of us with working heads did manage an outing to our nearest playground - when we arrived we had the whole place to ourselves. The girls ran around, I had a sit down and E5N1 eventually had a little snooze in the sun. Exile #2 is much better now by the way and we managed a game of Scrabble this evening (399 + 291 = 690 for anyone interested).

Exile #4 has been learning her colours in Spanish. This has been fine - she does a very Spanish sounding verde, rojo, azul etc. Orange week caused us more of a problem. Our pocket Spanish dictionary told us the word was naranja (although we weren't sure exactly how to pronounce it). When she came home, she told us the correct pronunciation was (as well as I can render it) 'rana-taz-tazle' - she was very determined and consistent about it. Since then she has had us in stitches quite often, but remained unswayed. It turns out she was saying anaranjado - which, for the hispanically-challenged (like us) comes out something like 'anaran-hatho' - not so far away after all.


  1. Wow - that looks like a serious playground, more like a full blown castle!

    You'll be unsurprised to learn that my ambitious plan for my days sightseeing in NY didn't quite go as planned. Suffice to say I got very wet due to stormy weather, took 2 and a half hours to get out of NY city on a wet Friday evening and nearly missed my flight! I did get to see the statue of libery though and visit FAO Schwartz. Next time, I'll just go straight there! I could have happily spent all afternoon in there, rather than the 30 minutes I actually had.

    Nevertheless I had a good trip overall and am looking forward to coming back sometime.

    Hope you all get over your colds soon.


  2. Glad to hear you only nearly missed your flight. Got to love that city traffic!


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