Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Day 1.020: Boxed-in

I was at home today - sick. Yes, the stomach flu caught up with me. I'll leave it at that. In fact, in the end everyone was at home - it seemed too soon to send Exile #4 to school and Exile #3 had some odd symptoms which, combined with the thought of how inconvenient it would be to have to go and collect her, convinced us to keep her home too.

As it turns out, she was fine and another day in this house may not have been the healthiest option in retrospect. At least Exile #2 managed a short outing this afternoon to the shop - which seemed like a big deal to her after along stretch 'inside'.

The other day, I brought home some of Exile #3's work from school, it included two great pictures from art, and this science project - a model of one of the animals of New York State in its habitat. In this case it is a box turtle. We learned from her while she was doing her research that it can close up its shell with a flap when it retracts its head. Cool. Here's some other evidence.

Anyway, this end of the day I feel significantly better than I did. I still feel like I'm not quite right though - here's a glimpse into what it's like to be me.
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  1. I like Exile #4's hat. Is it that cold in your kitchen? Maybe that's why you've all got stomach flu? ;-)


  2. hmm love the bit of sloooow walk at the end of the clip ;)

  3. Yeah - good in parts - you may have noticed the youtube keywords I chose?


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