Sunday, January 13, 2008

Day 1.003: Tooled up

This morning I decided to undertake the dishwasher-swap that has been on the cards since October and waiting to be done since before we left for the UK. In fact, the whole time we were away the 'new' dishwasher - a kind hand-me-down from T & S (although we may still work out a way to repay them!) - was in the back of our minivan for almost a whole month.

The job turned out to be harder than I originally expected - because of the position and nature of the plumbing (copper pipes and compression fittings rather than hoses) and the wiring (not a plug), but easier than I feared (I managed to do it in half a day and without visiting the hardware store). For once, the girls resisted the temptation to want to help, but as you can see - I have a new assistant in training.

We watched half an hour of local TV this evening after we went to church, had a good gathering, came home from church, realised that Exile #2's handbag (purse included)/purse (wallet included) was still there, went back again (me)/put the girls to bed (Exile #2). It was full of classic local TV moments. First was in the rolling event announcements - they are enough to make anyone swear at the b*** of times but what is the uncensored version of Rock N** Skate I wonder. This was followed by a clip of people playing dodgeball - Exile #2 thought that it was a comedy game invented for the film - along with the announcement that they were looking for players for the 'Jewish Olympics'. It turns out there is actually an Olympic-sanctioned event called the Maccabiah Games - wonderfully these are named after someone who strongly disapproved of the Hellenisation of Jewish culture including the holding of athletic events and competitions. I'd like to see this naming convention used for all major sporting events. Finally, in the spirit of the almanac-culture with statistics for everything - they announced on the local news that the 'First Homicide of the Year' was being investigated. A date for the diary indeed.
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  1. Presumably the 'first homicide of the year' had the dual distinction of being the 'first homicide ever' for at least one of the participants?! Time for a party indeed.


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