Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Day 1.081: Look - green!

Exile #3 genuinely said this pointing to the just barely green grass by the road this morning as we waited for the school bus - there are definitely signs of life that have been absent for a long time.

I also had another go at photographing the last of the snow on our property. In the sense that a windy and occasionally rainy day with temperatures in the 60s cleared the snow away I succeeded - it may still be to early to say if it will be the last of the season though.

Don't be ridiculous, it's April, we can't possibly have a fifth month of winter - can we? No - here it is (say this part confidently) the last snow of the 07/08 winter season:

Incidentally - for anyone still wondering about sloping icicles, check out yesterday's comments for a slightly cryptic answer.
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