Monday, April 28, 2008

Day 1.108: It never rains...

Exile #3 and I developed 'stomach flu' symptoms at almost exactly the same time this morning. In fact - I had been not-quite-right for several days, but not enough to interfere with normal life. Anyway, Exile #3 was off school and I stayed at home and did some work here. E5N1 had his 12-month check at the doctors where the big surprise to us was not his extremely below average weight but his average height - how did that happen?

After tea, the girls went to play outside - as expected the weather has changed quite significantly and it has basically rained all day. Exactly what they were doing I didn't find out, but it looks like they've built a bonfire - not that, with the fire-risk index now much reduced, there is much chance of it bursting into flames.
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