Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 2.079: Ready? Steady!

On Sunday morning, Exile #3 decided to go out and play in the rain. E5N1 was keen to join her. This was his idea of being ready - pyjamas, wellies and a pumpkin hat.

'Steady!' may be a suitable term to use to prevent your son running out of the house in the rain dressed like this, but it is not the second thing to say when starting a kids' running race here. This is one of those phrases that we sometimes translate into US English for the kids and sometimes don't (for the children).

However, we have a way to go before we can hope to speak like true Americans. Consider this document I was sent at work explaining a change in the already completely incomprehensible rules about medical insurance as exhibit A. It was a reminder that I am eligible to change my 'elections' on certain 'qualifying events' and informing me of some new cases. However, it was one of the old ones that caught my eye:
Acquiring a spouse through marriage.

Really? You couldn't think of a better way to put it?

Incidentally, we did let E5N1 go out dressed like that - with one significant addition:

And a good splashy rainy time was had by all.

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