Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 5.125: Back to the scene

Saturday morning we took the kids and their bikes to the Corning Preserve. It was a popular spot for cyclists and runners on what was a pretty gorgeous day.

E5N1 started on his glider but then resorted first to running and later to walking and then trudging.

The girls were rather more committed to the cycling - and indeed on the way back, they quickly disappeared together from sight and were not seen again until we reached the parking lot and the playground.

Pictured: the bench where we took a group picture moments before E5N1 gave us our first "do we need the E.R.?" moment, E5N1 looking wistfully at the floor perhaps recalling his favourite stones? and Exile #4 cycling along the stretch of path where I previously filmed her.

We don't go there as often as some local places. but we do have history with the Corning Preserve!

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