Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 5.158: Eyes and wheels

It seems that the sleepover girls did get a few hours sleep last night, so things were not quite as out-of-sorts today as we might have feared. Having said that, we didn't see all that much of Exile #3 during the day.

My day started with a trip to the eye-doctors with E5N1.  He was taking part in a research project in exchange for a free eye-test.  His vision is fine and he got to hang out with one of his friends and wear these cool shades - because we had to walk outside in the sun after they dilated his pupils.

His dilated pupils didn't stop him snapping this photo of me while we waited for the research element of the visit which involved him looking into various instruments that photographed his retina and in particular his optic nerve.  Holding his head still and keeping his eyes open and still is not his best skill, but I could have predicted that.

Later in the day Exile #4 donned some of her birthday presents - pads and gloves and roller blades.  She did rather well with the limited scope that the driveway provided.  Going backwards, forwards and stopping with a good deal of skill and only making use of her protective equipment on a couple of occasions!

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