Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 5.172: Five Rivers - two beavers

As I mentioned, my parents have arrived as has the hot weather.

Once again, we found ourselves waiting for a cooler evening moment to get out and about yesterday. We went to one of my parents' favourite places Five Rivers and we got by far the best view of beavers we have ever had.

For the first part of the walk, we were happy with sightings of a muskrat, cedar waxwings, a belted kingfisher, a bullfrog and several turtles (not pictured).  Then, while I was trying to photograph something making snaky paths in the water, someone attracted my attention to two beavers swimming by.  One of them turned and headed towards the bank off to our right.  My Dad wondered out-loud if it would come up out of the water.  I said no, but then it did.

With the light fading and a couple of noisy, but OK pictures in the bag we left the water-side to return to the car.  Then, at the last viewpoint, we saw that the beaver had followed us along and was right below us.  I got a final picture of it swimming, and one of it eating something.  Really very obliging indeed!

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