Sunday, March 11, 2007

Day 60: Ne'er cast a clout

After a disrupted night (Exile #3 unwell, Exile #4 disturbed), we awoke to find the snowman just about still standing, but looking rather vulnerable. If only he'd kept the scarf on to hold-back the thaw. Some time in the morning, he gave up the fight.

However, conditions were perfect (a few degrees above freezing) for more snowman construction. So, I went out with the girls to see what we could do. And what we did was this:

Exile #4 joined us for a while, but although the snow-tide has receded a lot since Feb 14th, she is still finding the six inches or so that remain heavy going. Exile #3 chose most of the face/arm items - I wonder if L's wink and R's wry smile are connected in some way. I think they will follow their predecessor to watery oblivion quite soon.

Other than that it was a quiet day, Exile #3 was at a low ebb for most of the day and had a long sleep after the picture was taken. The rest of us have some sleep to catch up on too - especially because we lost an hour to daylight-saving.

As to clout casting for the non-snow-people: there are no hawthorns here as far as I know, but if there were I don't think they'd be in bloom yet and we have seven weeks to go before the month arrives and nearly twelve before it leaves. However, snowman construction in our full winter regalia turned out to be hot work today, so maybe some lighter clouts are in order.
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