Thursday, March 29, 2007

Day 78: Changing rooms

One of the local news stories here over the last week or so has been the visit of the TV show Extreme Makeover: Home Edition to the area. This is like BBC's Changing Rooms with attitude. The lucky recipient of the makeover was sent on holiday with her family. The team moved in and proceeded to demolish her house and replace with a 3700 sqft modern mansion. Not quite Handy Andy and some MDF is it?

There are more and more signs of our becoming accustomed to life here. Exile #4 yesterday talked about Mummy's little car, despite the fact that Exile #2 is currently driving a Hyundai Sonata - larger than any car we ever owned in the UK.

Some size-related things are still catching us out though - we just finished a Chinese take-away feeling very pleasantly full. The only thing is we bought it yesterday and half of it went untouched into the freezer. Very economical both financially and in terms of expended effort - even more important with just two days to go before the due date.

Since many of you struggled with the arithmetic, how about a pictorial pun?
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1 comment:

  1. I've seen more flattering pictures of Carol Smilie than that.



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