Saturday, October 20, 2007

Day 283: Incline and fall

As you can see we found both a break in the weather and some impressively autumnal leaves. The location was one of our local haunts, the local high-ground of Thacher State Park as previously visited during winter, spring, summer and fog. We had a very nice walk on some new-to-us trails, E5N1 seemed to like the backpack carrier, Exile #4 complained about being displaced but (secretly) quite enjoyed the walk I think. We saw some amazing fungi and tried to catch falling leaves (final score myself: 2, Exile #2: 2, Exile #3: 0, Exile #4: 0, E5N1: DNQ).

When we got home, we watched Jungle Book on DVD (well, actually I fell asleep, but was awake as required when the scary bit came round and E5N1 proved himself remarkably mobile using a mixture of rolling and sliding). This evening Exile #2 and I have done a bit of sorting of paperwork which has been building up thanks to the unreasonable busyness of the last few weeks.

I also found time to register with StumbleUpon which seems weird and wonderful, and sort out Cloud of the Exile (somewhere on the right) which has been stuck with 'snow' as the main entry for the whole summer - I wish I could say why.

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