Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Day 280: No leaves, no glory

And so it is... that I get back to family matters and pop puns after two days of environmental pontificating. This rather spectacular tree is right by our house - the colours of leaves are quite amazing round here - even though we have neither been to any specific leaf-spotting places and it has not apparently been a great year for the leaves.

Of course, they will soon complete the cycle by falling off the trees - the process has started, but there are many many more up than down at the moment. While waiting for the school bus this morning, Exile #3 enjoyed taking a running jump into a small pile that Exile #2 had raked yesterday. I wonder if one of the girls can be persuaded to take a turn doing some raking, if not there are some labour saving power-tool options for moving leaves into piles that don't require so much elbow-grease. I think we'll leave that for this year though.

All of which brings me (not-coincidentally) to the official announcement of pop pun #34 for title watchers: life goes easy on me - most of the time.
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