Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 2.010: Priority #1

I want the best for my kids of course.

Sometimes that means the simple things like fun in the snow as a family. Sometimes big things like to experience living in another culture. Sometimes it's a big house or toys, or books or nice clothes. Sometimes it's a strong faith. Sometimes it's for them to be confident or kind, or caring. Sometimes it's a good education. Sometimes it's a stable life. Sometimes it's unfettered creativity. Sometimes it's lasting friendships. Sometimes it's adventure. Sometimes it's a desire to question everything.

Sometimes life doesn't make a lot of sense - but how can I be unhappy?

P.S. We all watched the inauguration of President Obama in various places - Exile #2 and E5N1 (the only U.S. citizen amongst us of course) were at home, the girls were at school and I was in a public area at work with a four-screen TV array - the borders between the screens left the newly sworn-in President looking a bit stretched - a sign of things to come perhaps.

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  1. ...and a great attitude. Your kids are very blessed to have such great parents!



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