Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 2.003: Telly, photo, ...

Although I have sometimes claimed otherwise, my language use is shifting as a result of two years living in the US. Some of it is conscious, either to make myself understood, or to make it easier for the people I spend time with (especially at work) to understand without tripping over my language use. Some of my pronunciation is rubbing off on them - and they occasionally say 'pr-oh-cess' (process) or 'st-ay-tus' (status) or 'zed' instead of 'zee' for the third cartesian dimension. Some of it is not really intentional, it sounds strange to think of calling the TV the 'telly' now, and I often say 'picture' rather than 'photo'.

Oh, yeah - the telephoto lens works nicely on the new camera:

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1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the impressive photos from your new toy! N


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