Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 2.006: Wheeze? a lute? yew?

One of the Rock Banders tonight had a bit of a cough.

At one point someone picked up E5N1's small toy guitar.

What are drum sticks made of?

And, from those about to go to bed, it's pop pun 93 for title watchers - hail, hail to the good times!
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  1. has this post been written in an east european language then translated (badly) back to english ?

    small pieces of information. slightly connected, but not enough to make sense.

    this is what like. more please

  2. Looks like the game "mad gab". Salutations right back at you.

  3. for those about to ROCK! WE SALUTE YOU! AC/DC

    Rock on brother...


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