Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 3.194: Arts and crafts, movement?

As it was the last day of the kids' week at camp, they came home clutching bags full of craft projects. E5N1 had been venturing into space and proudly showed me his rocket and Jupiter models. Meanwhile both the girls have been mixing sustainability with amusement park design. For Exile #4 this means a lot of 'rides' with wonderful names such as 'The Water Rockets' and 'The Cat and the Mouse' made out of repurposed goods.

Exile #3 apparently made some great ride models out of more traditional materials such as K'NEX and so was unable to bring them home. So here is a piece of art she created last weekend using her solar print kit - these two prints of things she found in the garden are so pretty Exile #2 promptly stole them and framed them and is waiting for me to hang the resulting masterpiece.

By the way, as previously reported, we are returning to the UK very soon -  but not for good just yet.  The Exile continues its successful fourth year.  In fact we'll be Kingdom-side next week - aargh!  More once I understand it all myself.

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