This is some of what we saw:
The only displays were the ones around the lake (and the sponsors' displays on the exit road). I assume the other loop was considered just too much to expect anyone to walk.
It's a shame really as walking the lights turned out to be a great way to see them and although one member of the family declared it 'a long walk' when we got back to the car, I suspect even he would have been happy to walk around the whole park seeing the displays.
This one caused some confusion:
Exile #3 told me that she thought Santa was doing jazz-hands while two figures danced in the background. Exile #2 pointed out to us all that they were marionettes. Obvious really!
I hope that there will be better opportunities to walk the lights if they are back in the park at the end of this year. The drive-through is all very well, but I think we'd take up the offer again - as long as the weather is reasonably cooperative.

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