Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 5.043: Eau-lana

All Over Albany were kind enough to link to my report on our visit to Olana at the weekend.  Here are a couple of out-take shots.  We were surprised as we climbed back up the hill towards the path to see a new stream working its way down the hillside.

It was coming from the overflow from the water tower.  In fact, we discovered when we reached the top that the tower was also overflowing from the top, so I'm guessing that the overflow pipe is a little under-rated.  I don't know if it was an intentional flushing or a problem with the shut-off, but it made us notice the tank which might have otherwise, despite its size, been unremarkable.  Having noticed it, I have to say that it is one big water reservoir - and I am at a loss as to why it needs to be so huge!

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