Saturday, December 22, 2007

Day 346: Intercontinental playdate

We had a little drive today from current base with Exile #2's parents for a late-arranged visit to Dave Funkypancake and family. Last time we saw them Kezia (centre) and Exile #3 (right) were small enough to fit in a couple of baby-carrier backpacks for us to go for a walk so it must be about 4 years ago. Thankfully the internet has kept us in contact (sporadically) over the intervening years.

We had a great time catching up with the FPs in person and introducing Exile #4 and E5N1 to them for the first time. Even more pleasingly, Kezia and her older sister Esther played so nicely with Exile #3 that it was sad to part them at the end of the day. I think that Exile #3's willingness and ability to get on and play with children she doesn't know, and especially older children is a great tribute to the education she is getting in the US and to the inter-grade interactions they encourage at their school. Exile #4 was in a slightly strange mood, but had a nice time too.

So in tribute to our hosts, I offer a little picture of them and an shot of E5N1 (albeit dummy-less) from an FP-ish angle.

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1 comment:

  1. And you can read another take on it and evidence of the last get-together here


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