Saturday, December 15, 2007

Day 339: The long haul

Every picture tells a story. It's not necessarily a true story though.

The girls are actually asleep here, but it did not stay so peaceful for long. They slept right through the meal service, but then woke up and spent the rest of the journey interrupting whatever I was doing (sleeping, listening to Mark Ronson, watching 30-Rock, etc.) to ask me to load the next episode of whatever they were watching. Eventually I realised I could make a list of favourites and get them to play in turn without interaction, but by then any thoughts of sleep had passed.

The flight was uneventful - about the best you can hope for. I did witness a priceless exchange at the desk while we were waiting for it however. A female crew member arrived at the desk and said something to the agent there that I didn't catch. He pointed to the cabin crew across the room, "The crew are over there". "I'M THE PILOT" she replied. "Oh (sheepishly opening the door to let her through the gate)".

We were lucky enough to have a seat for E5N1 who did very well and slept soundly for a good deal of the flight and was engaging and charming for most of the rest of the time.

It feels like this is the second post of a very long day. In fact it is late afternoon on the day after the last one. I'm still wearing the same clothes though. Nice.
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1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it back safely. Hope you catch up on some sleep soon.


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