Saturday, October 25, 2008

Day 1.287: Centre stage

As some of you will have or will read elsewhere, it was a special celebratory assembly at the school this morning. I attended in place of Exile #2 and E5N1 who might otherwise have gone, but were both sick (only with a cold as far as we know).

Exile #4 situated herself in prime position and proceeded to out-sing the rest of her class by a significant factor during the first song. Hopelessly out of tune, but very enthusiastic. In the second song, she sorted one of her classmates out when he appeared to be struggling with which way to hold his percussion instrument. By the end, the whole room was laughing and it was hard to work out what was going on.

She caused quite a stir, and I think everyone I saw as I was leaving who had seen her performance and knew who I was commented on it in some way.

Exile #3 also did a good job of her single-line presentation with picture. She got a laugh too, although I'm not entirely sure why. They're both quite keen about their moments in the limelight these days.
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1 comment:

  1. This internet thingy-ma-jig still amazes me sometimes. Sitting in our living room last night, watching and listening to Exile #4 in her school assembly, with American accents, in America, was slightly unreal! Fun, but unreal. Thanks for sharing your moment with us all!!



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