Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day 1.093: Time (to) walk again

We returned to our most commonly walked trail at Five Rivers this afternoon and took a rather less dramatic group shot at the same point we took one last time. Compared with yesterday it was rather cold today, but not exactly wintry. It was a rather minor outing compared with what we had half-planned to do, but nice to be out and about. Our other plans were derailed by a combination of things - but predominantly weariness. After our walk we went straight from there to our church gathering - which was good, but now weariness is featuring strongly again.

Tomorrow is the first day of Spring Break for the girls, so Exile #2 will be working even harder than usual. I'm taking some time off later in the week and the weather looks like it will be nice again, so maybe we'll manage an outing or two - just to give me material for some interesting posts of course - not because we actually like doing things.

A nice easy pop pun 55 for title watchers: it's just a jump to the left.
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  1. Woohoo, I got one of your pop puns! Boohoo, you deemed it as 'easy' so I'm unlikely to get another!

  2. Don't take any notice of what I say. They're all the same really - with a bit of a mind flip, you're there.


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