Thursday, April 24, 2008

Day 1.104: Dead again?

Yes - I am car-less again. It's probably bad news when the tow-truck man recognises you from last time as he comes to take your car away. He nearly didn't find me. I had broken down on the way off the highway and had not quite made it down to the first set of lights.

"I'm on the slip-road."
- Deafening silence of incomprehension.
"I was going east along I---, I came off towards ------ Rd."
"So you're on ------ Rd?"
"No I didn't make it I'm on the slip-road."
- Nearly audible whirring this time.
"You're on the off-ramp?"
"Yes! the off-ramp."

I later had to call them back and explain that I had meant the-other-east.

Unfortunately, the car was not the only thing misbehaving today - I have had a bad crick in the neck - it developed between 4 am and 6.15 am (I know this thanks to Exile #3 and E5N1 respectively) but I suspect that it was playing squash and not sleeping awkwardly that caused the problem as the pain has continued developing through the day.

Broken down car - pain in the neck - there's a joke there somewhere.
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